Church STAFF

Get to know our team.

Dr. Jeff Redlin



Dr. Jeff Redlin grew up in Adrian, Michigan, where he was saved at the age of seventeen. Realizing God was calling him into full-time vocational Christian ministry, he attended Pensacola Christian College, where he studied youth ministries. After receiving his degree (B.A.) from PCC, he became part of the church staff at Campus Church and was our youth pastor for fifteen years. His wife, Julie, grew up in Pensacola. She and Jeff met at Campus Church and were married in 1992.

In 2003, Pastor Redlin accepted the call to be Senior Pastor at Front Range Baptist Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, where the Redlins, with their son Conner, served for nearly 15 years. There the Lord gave Pastor Redlin an active ministry of preaching, counseling, teaching high school Bible, reaching out to the community, and encouraging his church family. Pastor Redlin has also spoken in camps, conferences, and special meetings across the U.S. and around the world.

In 2018, Pastor Redlin and his wife had the wonderful privilege of returning to Pensacola to carry on the work the Lord was advancing through the ministry of Campus Church. Campus Church was the place they had called “home” for many years and took it as a special honor to return to serve as the senior pastor. 

Pastor Redlin serves Campus Church with a background full of diverse experience and with proven faithfulness.

Dr. Tim Zacharias

Assistant Pastor


In 2017, Dr. Tim Zacharias started serving as assistant pastor. He lived most of his early years in western Michigan. He is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College and received a seminary degree in New England, where he served as a church planter and pastor for 18 years.

Pastor Zacharias and his wife have four children. He assists Pastor Redlin in the leadership of the Campus Church through administration, teaching, counseling, and pastoral care.

Jason Young

Church Ministries Pastor


Jason Young is originally from northern Virginia. He graduated from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary and served as an assistant pastor for 5 years in northwest Florida.

Jason assists Pastor Redlin with the administrative duties and organization of church events. Jason is married and has three daughters.

Joshua Burdick

Care Pastor


Joshua joined pastoral staff in April 2012. Raised in northern California, he trusted Christ and surrendered to full-time ministry at a young age. His desire is to share with people that God loves them. Prior to joining church staff, he served five years as a youth pastor in Buffalo, NY.  

Joshua ministers to the church family through visits, grief care, and crisis support. His heart for people is evident by his ministry spirit. He oversees community outreaches as well as the church’s online ministry. He loves spending time with his wife, Michelle, and their five sons. He is also a technology geek and enjoys participating in local 5K races.

Chuck Gourley

Youth Pastor


Chuck Gourley was born and raised in Raleigh, NC. He trusted Christ as his Savior at camp when he was twelve. A few years later he surrendered to full-time Christian service. He graduated from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary and has served in youth ministry for 5 years.

Chuck and his wife serve the youth and their families at Campus Church. They desire to see young people learn biblical truths and apply them to their lives, so that they may develop a faithful walk with the Lord.

Kenn Winn

Connections Pastor


Kenn Winn was raised in a military home and moved around often while growing up. He graduated from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary. He has served as an assistant pastor near Cincinnati, OH, and a ministry director in El Paso, TX.

Kenn oversees our hospitality ministry, ensuring people are welcomed and find connection at Campus Church. Kenn and his wife, Joy, have three children.


Children’s PAStor


Brendan Stephens joined the pastoral staff in 2022. He is originally from Auburn Hills, MI, where he was saved at a young age. Before attending college, the Lord placed upon his heart a great desire to serve in children’s ministry. After graduating from Pensacola Christian College with a B.A. in Bible, he and his wife, Lex, traveled for two years as PCC college representatives. They ministered to thousands of students in both school and church settings.

Brendan provides vision, direction, and oversight for the various children’s ministries at Campus Church. With a genuine heart for children, he partners with parents so that every child comes to know, love, and serve Jesus with their entire hearts. He serves along with his wife, Lex.




Born and raised in California, Ruth Landers came to know the Lord at age 5 at a children’s Bible club. She has been serving in churches through a variety of ministries for over 35 years, and her multifaceted experiences enable her to assist our church family. Ruth is married and has four children and a growing number of grandchildren.


children’s COORDINATOR


Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Anjanette accepted Christ as her Savior as a young girl at Vacation Bible School. Anjanette began serving the Lord through her church’s puppet ministry in her teen years. She soon became involved in every aspect of her church’s children’s ministries and felt the Lord calling her to serve Him in full-time ministry. She is thankful to the Lord for His calling and joyfully serves the children, parents, and children’s volunteers of Campus Church.

Anjanette is married with four children. When she’s not working with kids, she enjoys reading, baking, and taking walks with her best friend, her husband, Dan.


Julie Redlin

Assistant for Project & DevELOPMENT Support


Julie’s journey with Campus Church began as a young child, when she started attending with her parents, both Pensacola natives. They chose Campus Church as their family’s spiritual home and quickly became involved in church life.  Julie formed lasting connections—including meeting her future husband, Jeff, through the church family. The two were married during her senior year at Pensacola Christian College.

Today, Julie supports her husband in various ministries at Campus Church, with her primary focus on the Women 2 Women ministry.  Julie enjoys serving behind the scenes, loves a good book (especially at the beach), playing a competitive game of pickleball, and the opportunity to serve the Lord in the church where her faith journey began.

Stacie Zacharias

Ladies Counselor


Raised in a Christian home, Stacie was saved at the age of nine years old and committed her life to full-time ministry as a teenager. She attended Pensacola Christian College where she met her husband at their assigned dinner table on the first day of her freshman year. Stacie and Dr. Zacharias have now been serving together in ministry for over 30 years. She is the mom of four children, two through the blessing of adoption and two are birth miracles.

As a trained Biblical counselor, Stacie desires to help ladies apply Biblical principles that lead to life-changing outcomes.

Marie Michael


Graphic design & Media coordinator


Marie was raised in a large family of nine children in Central Virginia. She moved to Pensacola in 2019 to attend Pensacola Christian College, where she earned her degree in Visual Arts in 2024. With a passion for graphic design and visual media, Marie is thrilled to serve at Campus Church and share in the work of the ministry.


MEET our servant leaders.

Front: Robert Ritchie, Brian Yohe, Seth Neds. 2nd Row: Mike Landers, David Barnhart, Jeff Allen, Dave Sisson, Steve Hutcheson. 3rd Row: Mike Gellos, Paul Lefevers, Mike Smith, Trevin Houk. Back Row: Phil Turner, Rod See, Eric Henderson, Dan Troutman, Bobby Crockett. Not Pictured: Thomas Berglund, Jared Gellos, Norm Hansen, Jon Tutton.