East Elevation
South Elevation

A TIme to build

As Campus Church continues to serve both our church family and the surrounding community, we are excited to announce plans for a new church office building project. This plan is designed to meet the growing needs of our ministry by creating a dedicated space where our staff can work, collaborate, and better serve our congregation and community.

Building Project timeline

What's Next


As we begin this project, pray for:

  • Finalizing Design & Development
  • Permitting & Bidding
  • Construction
  • Provision of Finances


Please specify “Building Project” on all gifts.


In Person

  • Offering boxes

By Mail

  • Campus Church | 250 Brent Lane, Pensacola, FL 32503


Campus Church has opened a special “building fund” account that would allow both one-time donations as well as recurring donations.  Our goal would be to raise the necessary funds to complete the project, debt free.

We are working to finalize the “Design and Development” phase of the project then will move to the permitting and bidding process.  Once the building phase begins, it is estimated the construction would take 14 months to complete. We expect the entire process to take about 25 months.

Before we begin to build, our Trustees would evaluate current funds on hand and amount given by our church family to determine our financial readiness to proceed.

Part of the “Vision” of Campus Church is “To accurately represent the unified body of Christ…” Currently, it is difficult to accurately represent the distinct identity of a local church when its staff is dispersed throughout the PCC Administrative Building.  In our Core Values, we begin with our first commitment being “Biblical Authority.”  That line can become easily blurred for those who would visit the Senior Pastor’s office in the “Executive Offices” area or visit a staff member for counseling in an area used primarily for Information Technology services. Additionally, the space housing our current staff is at capacity.  Additional staff will need to function in yet another area within the PCC Administration Building adding further confusion to the Biblical autonomy of the local church.