Authentic Discipleship

Equipping Christian women to live the love and grace of Jesus in a world often defined by the pain of sexual brokenness

Authentic Discipleship

Abuse, gender confusion, and shame plague today’s world and people are seeking clarity and hope. Christianity has always provided a pathway to the heart of God, revealing His true intentions regarding our sexuality. The Authentic Discipleship Group will provide a framework from which to understand the big picture of sexual wholeness and help you recognize that every question is ultimately a spiritual one. It shifts the paradigm from combating our problems to confidently proclaiming and modeling a life of spiritual wholeness.

This seven-week series will be beneficial to women who are struggling with, wanting to avoid struggling with, or wanting to help others dealing with the pain of sexual brokenness.

Sign up today!


LEADER: Rachel Moses

WHO: Adult ladies (teens age 16 and older may attend with their mother)

COST: $15 (helps cover the cost of the study materials)

BEGINS: Thursday, February 15

MEETING TIME: 6:30–8:00 p.m.

February 15 & 22
March 7, 14 & 21
April 4, 11